all postcodes in TF10 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the TF10 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF10 8AA 0 52.779117 -2.382365
TF10 8AB 1 52.788975 -2.394225
TF10 8AD 0 52.783536 -2.399914
TF10 8AE 0 52.791479 -2.39275
TF10 8AF 0 52.798444 -2.396165
TF10 8AG 0 52.799289 -2.396173
TF10 8AH 4 52.804317 -2.406023
TF10 8AJ 0 52.818602 -2.416158
TF10 8AL 1 52.818153 -2.42605
TF10 8AN 0 52.829997 -2.422292
TF10 8AP 1 52.818131 -2.429745
TF10 8AQ 0 52.805894 -2.383283
TF10 8AR 0 52.817963 -2.426597
TF10 8AS 0 52.818351 -2.43028
TF10 8AT 0 52.816744 -2.432921
TF10 8AU 0 52.821766 -2.445109
TF10 8AW 0 52.829259 -2.422627
TF10 8AX 0 52.81621 -2.436343
TF10 8AY 0 52.808467 -2.457641
TF10 8AZ 0 52.804783 -2.4629